National Junior Honor Society
Lehi Junior High Chapter
“The National Junior Honor Society (NJHS) elevates a school’s commitment to the values of
scholarship, service, leadership, character, and citizenship and helps middle-level students develop
the knowledge and skills to become well-rounded student leaders in their school, community, and
beyond.” (“Who We Are”)
Important Dates
Friday, Nov. 11th, candidate information forms due to Mrs. McNeel (room #311 in the trailer). I am only
here on A days, but you can leave them with the front office or submit them digitally to
[email protected]. Please make sure they are complete and signed!
○ New candidates complete the entire form.
○ Current members only complete the top portion.
○ Make sure to include a receipt from the financial office indicating fees were paid. ($10 for new
members; $5 for current members. You will be reimbursed if you are not selected)
Monday, Nov. 21st, Induction Ceremony
○ 6:30 pm in the LJHS library
○ Current and new members invited– bring your families!
NJHS Requirements Overview
1. Regular attendance and participation in chapter meetings.
○ Please communicate with Mrs. McNeel if you need to be excused from a meeting.
2. Help plan and carry out a chapter service project.
3. Document at least 10 hours of community service (personal service project).
4. Maintain standards on which you were inducted into NJHS (scholarship, service, leadership, character,
and citizenship).
5. Not meeting these requirements could result in dismissal from NJHS.
Chapter Meeting Schedule
SECOND A day Thursdays of each month (except for December & May which will be the first A day
○ Dec. 6th (Tues), Jan. 19th, Feb. 16th, March 9th, April 27th, and May 9th (Tues)
○ These dates are subject to change
Work Cited
“Who We Are.” NJHS, Accessed 2 November 2022.